Application seeking permission for arranging a science fair

Application seeking permission for arranging a science fair

Application to the headmaster seeking permission for arranging a science fair

Write an application to the headmaster of your school seeking permission for arranging a science fair.

19 November 2020
The Headmaster
Banigram Sadhanpur High School
Banskhali, Chittagong
Subject: Prayer for permission to arrange a science fair in school premises.

We, the students of class IX, science group of your school, beg most respectfully to state that we are very much interested in holding a science fair in our school premises. We believe that it will increase the interest to acquire more knowledge about science. It will also encourage us to know more about the mystery of the universe and the wonders of science. Now we are asking for your kind approval and generous support to hold a day-long science fair in our campus

It is therefore requested to your honor with the hope that you would be kind enough to consider our prayer and grant us the necessary support to arrange the fair effectively on our school campus.

We remain,
Yours obediently,
The students of class IX, Science Group.

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Application to the Principal seeking permission for arranging a science fair

Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission for arranging a science fair.

13 March 2020
The Principal
Rampal College
Subject: Prayer for permission to arrange a science fair in college premises.

We, the students of class XII, science group of your college, beg most respectfully to state that we are very much interested in holding a science fair in our college premises. We believe that it will increase the interest to learn more about science. It will also encourage us to know more about the mystery of the universe and the wonders of science. Now we are asking for your kind approval and generous support to hold a day-long science fair on our college campus.

We, therefore request you to consider our prayer and grant us the necessary support to arrange the fair effectively on our college campus.

We remain,
Yours obediently,
The students of class XII, Science Group

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