Dialogue between you and doctor describing your physical problem/fever

Dialogue between you and doctor describing your physical problem/fever

Suppose, your exam is knocking at the door. You need to work hard but you are suffering from fever/ various physical problems. Now, make/write a dialogue between you and a doctor as you are suffering from fever/ describing your health/ physical problem/ illness/ sickness/ fever.

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Write a dialogue between you and a doctor about/describing your sickness/fever/health/physical problem

Myself: May I come in, doctor?
Doctor: Please come.
Myself: Can I have a seat?
Doctor: Of course, well, what's your problem?
Myself: My examination is knocking at the door, But I am suffering from various physical problems. So I am anxious about my health.
Doctor: Ok, let me feel your pulse, measure, temperature, and blood pressure.
Myself: Please check me thoroughly.
Doctor: Ok, I am checking. No, you don't have any problem.
Myself: I really feel sick.

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Doctor: It's all your nervousness, As you are an examinee, you are getting much worried about it. That's why you feel sick.
Myself: Maybe.
Doctor: Yes, you're all right. It is for your overwork and anxiety for the exam.
Myself: Really!
Doctor: Yeah, Take light exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and take proper rest and sleep.
Myself: Ok, doctor. I'll follow your advice.
Doctor: Thank you.
Myself: Thanks to you too.

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