Illiteracy/ Mass Education/ Education for All Essay Composition

Illiteracy/ Mass Education/ Education for All Essay Composition

After reading this post, you can write 1. Illiteracy Essay and Composition 2. Mass Education/Education for All Essay/Composition 3. Adult Education Essay and Composition. All essays are suitable for the students of classes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, JSC, 9, 10, SSC, 11, 12, HSC.

Essay on Illiteracy/ Mass Education/ Education for All

Illiteracy/ Mass Education Essay; Education is the reflection of our character. It beautifies and glorifies a nation. That is to say, education is the backbone of a nation. On the contrary, illiteracy is a curse. The inability to read or write is said to be illiteracy. Indeed, illiteracy is one of the most serious problems in our country. If the maximum number of people are educated, the country will be developed. So education for all is the crying need in our country.

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More than 60 percent of the people in Bangladesh are illiterate. The literacy rate is 40 percent. So, the present condition of literacy in Bangladesh is deplorable.

Until the people of a country become literate up to a satisfactory rate, they cannot make any progress. A country may have many skyscrapers and monuments but it does not mean that the country is well established. That means illiteracy is a curse. It makes all development efforts impossible. A country can not develop if illiteracy prevails in it. It prevents the cultural growth of a country.

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In our country, farmers and workers engage their children in economic activities instead of sending them to school. They are sent to work in mills and factories even at a very early age. Thus these children remain ignorant of education. The farmers in our villages are very poor. So they want that their children should help them and work in the field. As the farmers of the villages cannot understand the value of education, they think that this education does not help them to earn their living. That's why they send their children to work rather than to school.

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It is really a difficult task to eradicate illiteracy from a country like Bangladesh which has a vast population. The problem will not be solved only by the government. It is the social responsibility of every literate person to try heart and soul in order to remove illiteracy from society. A large number of schools should be established. Special steps should be taken for adult education. Primary education should be made free and compulsory for all.

We shall have to take some necessary steps to eradicate illiteracy from the society. Otherwise, no plans and programs will be successful. Eradication of illiteracy or 'Education for all' should be our today’s slogan. Otherwise, Bangladesh will find no hope for future prosperity.

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