Letter to your friend inviting him to attend your birthday party

Letter to your friend inviting him to attend your birthday party

Suppose, you are Ratna and your friend is Kamal who lives in Kandirpar, Cumilla, Bangladesh. Now, write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to attend your birthday party/the party of your birthday.

Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to attend the party of your birthday

Kandirpar, Cumilla
10 May 2020

Dear Kamal

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Perhaps you remember that my birthday comes off on 12 May. This is going to be my last birthday celebration in Cumilla as we 'will be living in Khulna from next month because of my father‘s transfer. So my mother is going to celebrate the occasion in a grand manner. Many of our friends and relatives are coming to the party.

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I hope it will be a great day for me. But I cannot think of anything without you. So please do come, Kamal. I will be expecting you.

With love

Yours ever

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