Julian Chojnacki Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Wiki 2024 - Biography

Julian Chojnacki

Julian Chojnacki Net Worth, Height-Weight, Wiki Biography, etc

Mini Biography

Name Julian Chojnacki
Date of Birth September 23, 1953
Profession Camera and Electrical Department, Director, and Cinematographer
Net Worth $16 Million

Julian started making 8mm and Super 8 movies at the age of ten, with a camera given to him by his father. One of these early films gained recognition at the Canadian Amateur Film Festival. While still creating films, Julian pursued his musical career as a drummer in a Canadian rock band. He then chose to spend the majority of his time pursing his career in the Film & TV industry by learning the art of Steadicam, from the Academy Award winning inventor, Garrett Brown in 1979. Julian was chosen to tour alongside Pope John Paul II in 1984 for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), a cherished honor. Julian became a recognized Steadicam master in 1988, which was followed by many films where Julian was both the A Camera operator and Steadicam operator. His standout style and knowledge of story telling brought him his first directing opportunity with the CBS TV Series, Nash Bridges, starring Don Johnson and Cheech Marin.

Julian's diverse talents as Director, Cinematographer, Steadicam Operator, Camera operator, Writer & Editor have successfully contributed to his innovative style in Film, television & Music Video Production. Julian has spent the past 35 years in the entertainment business and holds such accomplishments as Director for the TV series, "Nash Bridges", "The Strip", starring Sean Patrick Flanery (Boondock Saints) and "The District", starring Craig T. Nelson (Poltergeist), as well, Director of the Lifetime TV movie, "A Mother's Testimony", starring Kate Jackson (Charlie's Angels) and the short film, "Heartburn", starring Dennis Haysbert (The Unit).

Julian has directed Music Videos of all genres including, the critically acclaimed 'City of Dreams: Artists for Tennessee Flood Relief' written by 2010 CCMA artist of the year, Victoria Banks, "Live Forever" by Billy Joe Shaver, which was nominated for a CMT video award, as well, Country artist Chad Lee, Craig Hand of the Band, Bush Hawg, Gospel/Hip Hop artist David Prince, Rock/Blues Artist Jeffrey James, Outlaw Country Artist Wes Hayden, The Jeffersons; Lisa Brokop & Paul Jefferson, Pop artist, Rachel Farris, Latino artist, Rigo Sanchez, Country artist Taria, Folk artist, Taylor Pie of the (Pozo Seco Singers), "Wal-Mart Girls" by Danny Greigo, John Stallings, "Redneck in all of Us" by Kaleb McIntire and a variety more. You might be interested to know more about Julian Chojnacki. So, in this article, we discussed all information about Julian Chojnacki's net worth, wiki, bio, career, height, weight, family, pics, affairs, car, salary, age, and other details in 2024. Continue reading to discover who is Julian Chojnacki.

Julian Chojnacki Biography

Do you wanna know Julian Chojnacki's full Biodata? Julian Chojnacki is a Camera and Electrical Department, Director, and Cinematographer. He was born in on September 23, 1953. He is 70 years old. Take a look at the following table for more information.

Name Julian Chojnacki
Gender Male
Date of Birth 1953-9-23
Birthplace Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, UK
Age in 2024 70
Country United Kingdom
Nationality British
Height 1.91 m
Weight KG
Profession Camera and Electrical Department, Director, and Cinematographer

Julian Chojnacki Net Worth, and Salary 2024

What is the Networth of Julian Chojnacki? What is the income source of Julian Chojnacki? We all know that is it almost impossible to say someone's total asset, and how much he or she earns every month. According to the various source, there is an approximate asset that is net worth or net wealth. So what is the networth of Julian Chojnacki? As of 2024, the current net worth of Julian Chojnacki is $16 Million.

Julian Chojnacki Age, and Birthday Info 2024

Julian Chojnacki's Birthday Countdown

Julian Chojnacki's birthday 🎂 🎉 is in...

  • days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds

How old is Julian Chojnacki? In this section, we will talk about Julian Chojnacki's age, and birthday-related info. Julian Chojnacki's actual age is 70, and birthday is on 1953-9-23. When is Julian Chojnacki's next birthday? The next birthday of Julian Chojnacki is on 23 September, 2024.

Birthday September 23, 1953
Name of the Day Wednesday
Zodiac Sign (Horoscope) Libra
Next Birthday 23 September, 2024
Age in 2024 70 years
Place of Birth Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, UK
Country of Birth United Kingdom

Julian Chojnacki's Height, Weight, and Physical Condition

What is the physical condition of Julian Chojnacki? The physical condition of Julian Chojnacki is good. How tall is Julian Chojnacki? Want to know Julian Chojnacki's Height Weight in Feet-Inch or Meter-Centimeter? In this section, we discussed height-weight along with eyes and hair colors. height is 1.91 m., and weight is .

  • Julian Chojnacki's Height: 1.91 m.
  • Julian Chojnacki's Weight: -

In the below table, you will find the height of Julian Chojnacki in Meter, Centimeter, and Feet Inche, & the weight in KG and Pound.

Height In Feet Inches: 6'3"
In Meters: 1.91 m.
Weight In Pound: -
In KG: -

Julian Chojnacki's' Family ( Parents, Siblings, Relatives)

Do you want to know whether Julian Chojnacki is married or unmarried? Who is the Girlfriend of Julian Chojnacki? In this section, we will talk about Julian Chojnacki's personal life, life story. As you are curious to know about Julian Chojnacki. We added the information below.

Marital Status Yet to be updated

Julian Chojnacki Facts and Trivia Timeline

In the below list, we added some interesting facts and Trivia about Julian Chojnacki:


Nashville, TN, USA Music Video Director, Filmmaker, Cinematographer [October 2009]


Country Music Television, Billy Joe Shaver (music video) with Big and Rich, "Live Forever", Directed by Rick Shroder, Cinematographer, Julian Chojnacki, was nominated in two categories for the CMT Music Video Awards for 2006.


Los Angeles, CA, USA Filmmaker, Director, Cinematographer [January 1999]


Julian Chojnacki was chosen to tour alongside Pope John Paul II in 1984 for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation(CBC).


Member of Canadian Society of Cinematographers

Member of Directors Guild of America

Member of Directors Guild of Canada

Member of Steadicam Operators Association

Julian Chojnacki Educational Qualifications

Do you want to know what is the educational qualifications of Julian Chojnacki? In this table, we added the education information of Julian Chojnacki. As we do not have all data currently, we keep some fields blank which we will update soon.

School Yet to update
College Yet to update
University Yet to update

Julian Chojnacki Facebook Instagram Twitter and YouTube

Visit the official Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Wikipedia, and YouTube accounts of Julian Chojnacki. For those who do not have an account on a certain platform, we added the official website link of the platform.

FAQs about Julian Chojnacki

Some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about Julian Chojnacki.

  • What is the Net Worth of Julian Chojnacki?

The Net Worth of Julian Chojnacki is $16 Million.

  • What is the Height of Julian Chojnacki?

The height of Julian Chojnacki is 1.91 m.

  • Where is the birthplace of Julian Chojnacki?

The birthplace of Julian Chojnacki is Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, UK.

  • What is the Date of Birth of Julian Chojnacki?

The birthday of Julian Chojnacki is on 1953-9-23.

  • Is Julian Chojnacki Married?

The marital status of Julian Chojnacki is: Yet to be updated


So that's all we have about Julian Chojnacki's net worth, bio, wiki, biography, height, weight, awards, facts, siblings, awards, and other information. We hope you get the information about Julian Chojnacki. Share your thoughts in the comment section.


The info about Julian Chojnacki's net worth, wiki, bio, career, height, weight, family, affairs, car, salary, age, and other details are based on Wikipedia, IMDb, Forbes, Instagram, and Facebook of Julian Chojnacki. There may have wrong or outdated info, if you find so, please let us know by leaving a comment below.

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