Mona Baptiste Net Worth at Death, Date, Place & Cause of Death, Family, etc - Biography

Mona Baptiste

Mona Baptiste Net Worth, Height-Weight, Wiki Biography, etc

Mini Biography

Name Mona Baptiste
Date of Birth June 21, 1928
Profession Actress, and Soundtrack
Net Worth $5.00 million

Mona Baptiste was born on June 21, 1928 in Port of Spain, Trinidad. She was an actress, known for Symphonie in Gold (1956), Tanz in der Sonne (1954) and Mädchen für die Mambo-Bar (1959). She was previously married to Liam Morrison and Michael Carle. She died on June 25, 1993 in Krefeld, Germany. Want to more about her? In this article, we covered Mona Baptiste's net worth, wiki, bio, career, height, weight, pics, family, affairs, car, salary, age, facts, and other details in 2024. Without future ado, let's learn more about Mona Baptiste.

Mona Baptiste Biography

Do you wanna know Mona Baptiste's full Biodata? Mona Baptiste was an Actress, and Soundtrack. She was born in on June 21, 1928. She was 95 years old. Take a look at the following table for more information.

Name Mona Baptiste
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1928-6-21
Birthplace Port of Spain, Trinidad
Date of Death 1993-6-25
Deathplace Krefeld, Germany (natural causes)
Aged 95
Country Spain
Nationality Spaniard
Height m
Weight KG
Profession Actress, and Soundtrack

Mona Baptiste Net Worth, and Salary 2024

What is the Networth of Mona Baptiste? What is the income source of Mona Baptiste? We all know that is it almost impossible to say someone's total asset, and how much he or she earns every month. According to the various source, there is an approximate asset that is net worth or net wealth. So what was the networth of Mona Baptiste? The net worth of Mona Baptiste at the time of death was $5.00 million.

Mona Baptiste Age, and Birthday Info 2024

Mona Baptiste's Birthday Countdown

Mona Baptiste's birthday 🎂 🎉 is in...

  • days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds

How old was Mona Baptiste? In this section, we will talk about Mona Baptiste's age, and birthday-related info. Mona Baptiste's actual age is 95, and birthday is on 1928-6-21. When is Mona Baptiste's next birthday? The next birthday of Mona Baptiste is on 21 June, 2024.

Birthday June 21, 1928
Name of the Day Thursday
Zodiac Sign (Horoscope) Cancer
Next Birthday 21 June, 2024
Aged 95 years
Place of Birth Port of Spain, Trinidad
Country of Birth Spain
Date of death 1993-6-25
Place of death Krefeld, Germany (natural causes)

Mona Baptiste's Height, Weight, and Physical Condition

What is the physical condition of Mona Baptiste? She is no more. She died on June 25, 1993. The cause of the death of Mona Baptiste was natural causes. How tall was Mona Baptiste? Want to know Mona Baptiste's Height Weight in Feet-Inch or Meter-Centimeter? In this section, we discussed height-weight along with eyes and hair colors. height was Not Known, and weight was .

  • Mona Baptiste's Height: Not Known
  • Mona Baptiste's Weight: -

In the below table, you will find the height of Mona Baptiste in Meter, Centimeter, and Feet Inche, & the weight in KG and Pound.

Height In Feet Inches: Not Known
In Meters: Not Known
Weight In Pound: -
In KG: -

Mona Baptiste's' Family (Husband, Children, Parents, Siblings, Relatives)

Do you want to know whether Mona Baptiste was married or unmarried? Who was the Boyfriend of Mona Baptiste? In this section, we will talk about Mona Baptiste's personal life, life story. As you are curious to know about Mona Baptiste. We added the information below.

Marital Status Married
  • Liam Morrison (? - 25 June 1993) (her death)
  • Michael Carle (? - 1958) (his death) (1 child)

Mona Baptiste Facts and Trivia Timeline

In the below list, we added some interesting facts and Trivia about Mona Baptiste:


She died of natural causes, aged 65, on 25 June 1993 in Dublin, Ireland, where she had lived for a number of years with her second husband, Liam Morrison.


Mona Baptiste was a Trinidad-born singer and actress in London and Germany. She was largely popular from songs such as "Calypso Blues" and "There's Something in the Air".She also acted in multiple musical films, including Dancing in the Sun (Tanz in der Sonne, 1954).

In Germany, where she had a house in Krefeld, she gained recognition for her popular songs such as "There's Something in the Air" and movie appearances including in the films Tanz in der Sonne and An jedem Finger zehn in 1954.


In 1951 she worked Ted Heath's band and other jazz groups, and recorded her version of "Calypso Blues", a song originally performed by Nat King Cole.


She started singing at Quaglino's Restaurant and their Allegro to great success in 1950.


She appeared in the British music magazine New Musical Express for events such as signing with Cab Kaye to sing with the Cabinettes, appearing on the television show Coloured Follies, and appearing on the British radio variety show Brandbox in 1949.


Born in Trinidad on 21 June 1928, one of five sisters, Mona Baptiste emigrated to London in 1948 on the MV Empire Windrush. While she presented herself as a clerk to London immigration, she began working towards her singing career very soon after.


She was buried in Deans Grange Cemetery, Ireland.

Baptiste retired after her husband died, but in the 1970s she tried to make a comeback, which was unsuccessful.

(Her place of death was erroneously reported as Krefeld in Der Spiegel.) .

Mona Baptiste Educational Qualifications

Do you want to know what was the educational qualifications of Mona Baptiste? In this table, we added the education information of Mona Baptiste. As we do not have all data currently, we keep some fields blank which we will update soon.

School Yet to update
College Yet to update
University Yet to update

Mona Baptiste Facebook Instagram Twitter and YouTube

Visit the official Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Wikipedia, and YouTube accounts of Mona Baptiste. For those who do not have an account on a certain platform, we added the official website link of the platform.

FAQs about Mona Baptiste

Some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about Mona Baptiste.

  • What was the Net Worth of Mona Baptiste?

The Net Worth of Mona Baptiste was $5.00 million.

  • What was the Height of Mona Baptiste?

The height of Mona Baptiste was m.

  • Where was the birthplace of Mona Baptiste?

The birthplace of Mona Baptiste was Port of Spain, Trinidad.

  • What was the Date of Birth of Mona Baptiste?

The birthday of Mona Baptiste was on 1928-6-21.

  • Was Mona Baptiste Married?

The marital status of Mona Baptiste was: Married


So that's all we have about Mona Baptiste's net worth, bio, wiki, biography, height, weight, awards, facts, siblings, awards, and other information. We hope you get the information about Mona Baptiste. Share your thoughts in the comment section.


The info about Mona Baptiste's net worth, wiki, bio, career, height, weight, family, affairs, car, salary, age, and other details are based on Wikipedia, IMDb, Forbes, Instagram, and Facebook of Mona Baptiste. There may have wrong or outdated info, if you find so, please let us know by leaving a comment below.

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