Email to your friend who invited you to attend his birthday party

Email to your friend who invited you to attend his birthday party

Write a reply email to your friend who invited you to attend his birthday party

Read the following email sent to you by your best friend who has invited you to attend his birthday party. Now write a reply./ Your friend has invited you to attend his birthday party. Now write a reply email to your friend.

From:[email protected]
To:[email protected]
Sent:Sunday, 5 March 2020
Subject: Invitation for attending birthday party

Dear Jabir
The coming 12th of March is my birthday. You will be glad to know that a tea party has been arranged on that occasion at our residence on that day at 6:00 p.m. Only my cousin and a few friends will join the party. A musical program had also been arranged. Would you kindly give me the pleasure of your company on the occasion?
Expecting eagerly to meet you.

Yours sincerely,

Read more> Reply Email to Information about creative questions


From:[email protected] 
To:[email protected]
Sent:Monday, 6 March 2020
Subject: Regarding the latter of invitation

Dear Fahad,
Thank you so much dear for your kind invitation to attend your birthday party. I think it will be really a very pleasant occasion to meet your cousins and friends and you will enjoy fun and music. So, I heartily accept your invitation and will be present on time. I am keeping fit. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngest

Yours ever,

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