Application for leave after the third period

Application for leave after the third period

Application to the headmaster/principal for leave after the third period

Suppose you are Rahim, a student of Alipur High School, Magura. Now, write an application to the headmaster/principal for leave after the third period.

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March 14, 2020
The Headmaster
Alipur High School, Magura
Subject: Prayer for leave after the third period

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Dear Sir
I would like to inform you for your sympathetic consideration that I am a regular student of your reputed institution. But today I have caught a cold suddenly halfway of the second period. Consequently, I am coughing and sneezing violently for which it is quite impossible for me to stay in the classroom any more. I, therefore, pray and hope that your honor would be gracious enough to grant me leave after the second period.

Sincerely yours
Rahim, Class (X), Roll No.4

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